DARCARS Lexus of Mt. Kisco

Sep 16, 2022

Keeping on top of your regular service schedule is vital to making sure your Lexus is in the best condition it can be. Unfortunately, transmission service is a part of the service schedule that often goes overlooked since it isn’t needed as frequently, which could lead to serious problems down the line. Therefore, it’s important to regularly visit your local Lexus dealer so we can keep you on the road. Here’s what will happen during the service.


Transmission Fluid Exchange

The gears in both manual and automatic transmissions are cooled and lubricated with a special fluid, which breaks down over time. On top of this, the gears themselves can wear down and produce tiny metal shavings that can cause even more damage. After a while, the fluid stops lubricating the gears properly, which can lead to damage if it’s not changed often enough.

Auto Service in Mt. Kisco, NY

When your Lexus transmission is serviced, we’ll remove the drain plug and remove the old transmission fluid, then top the transmission up to the correct level for it to function properly, and replace the plug.


Transmission Pan Clean Out

Dirt and debris can accumulate in the transmission pan through normal driving and use. This is filtered out in the transmission pan, and some vehicles also use a filter. In the latter case, the filter will be replaced with a new, clean element, while the pan will be properly cleaned of contaminants and inspected for any damage. At the same time, the gasket between the transmission pan and the transmission body will be replaced to ensure none of the fluid leaks out.


How Often Should My Transmission be Serviced?

How often your transmission needs servicing depends on what type of transmission you have. Manual transmissions tend to need servicing more frequently, typically every 30,000 to 50,000 miles. Automatic transmissions can last a little longer, typically in the range of every 60,000 to 100,000 miles. It’s best to check your owner’s manual or ask your dealership to get the best figure for your particular model of vehicle.


Why Routine Maintenance Is Important

Routine maintenance is a preventative measure. Your car may be running well, with no visible sign of transmission wear, but it’s important to remember that no car part lasts forever, and your transmission is a particularly important component of your car. Prevention is always better than a cure, and making sure your transmission is in perfect shape can save you a lot of costly repairs down the road.


Bring your Lexus to a certified service center like ours at DARCARS Lexus of Mt. Kisco when your car needs a transmission service. Or feel free to schedule your service conveniently online now! Want to keep learning more about maintaining your vehicle? Click here for our related blogs!